Let me understand fully the power of nature

within and without

Let me find the magic of being able to use it

for the good of myself and for the good of others

Let me fall and draw lessons from my falls

Let me fail and find the strength to get up again

Let me find utmost joy in living and celebrate the life’s journey

Let me play and dance and laugh till my jaws hurt, my feet are tired and my heart filled with happiness

Let me look people into their eyes and see the depth of their souls and stories they pull behind

Give me the strength and courage to allow the awakened look to bring us all the deep healing

Bring me smiles that will cut me sharp down to the bone and bring the profound sweetness back up to the surface

Let me love unconditionally and be loved not for whom I might be but for whom I really am

Let me be there for my loved ones in their time of need just for the sake of the presence and closeness

Let sb. hold my hand when I am scared, sad or just too tired

Let the presence bring healing into our lives

Let me drop prejudice and mind limiting concepts whatsoever

Let me find my truth, bless me with playfull heart and compassionate and complacent mind

Let me share my journey and be better listener

Let me be here. Let me be. Let be.

Let me live a good life. Let me live life. Let me live. Let live.

Photo Credit: Lucie Nováčková

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